So how does it work?
PSMail has supported several forms of OTP for its growing number of expat and international users. In the past, PSMail provided custom software to install and use with the OTP system. However, today's mobile devices make it much easier to provide support for our OTP systems. These systems can ease the pressure of creating and remembering so many passwords and are powerful ways to protect your account when using a public or insecure browser to access your PSMail account.
Interested? To help you begin taking advantage of this service, we've put together two video tutorials, one for each of two options you have with our OTP system.
1. Using PSMail's software token system (Mobile OTP construct):
2. Using Google Authenticator with PSMail (TOTP construct):
We hope you enjoy the benefits of using this helpful tool! But don't worry, if you try OTP and don't like it, you can easily switch back to using your regular password again.
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